From Data to Decision: Navigating barriers to information excellence

In the modern enterprise, Chief Information and Chief Data Officers stand at the forefront of shaping the digital journey. While being flooded with vast amounts of data, there's an imminent need for refined data infrastructure, ensuring data quality, and creating actionable business intelligence. In reality, legacy systems, integration issues, and the challenges of maintaining data quality and governance make this a difficult journey to navigate.

You submit one challenge related to the topic (register here - max 80 characters). Once we have matched you with 3 - 4 other peers we reach out and agree a date and time that works for everyone. We also encourage you to join the Guild community. will confirm your place at the event by calendar invitation. On the day you will vote on which challenge will be selected for the discussion. The event starts with the challenge owner explaining it in detail, followed by the others asking questions and then offering solutions. A week after the event, we interview you on the contributions you gave at the event for the Podcast edit. We seek your approval for your contributions and once live we tag you in a LinkedIn post linked to the Podcast episode acknowledging your contribution.

Event overview

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Event Details


Comments from our event attendees.